We aim to empower the lives of abused women and children by giving them resources and education.


At Partners for Hope, we are focusing our efforts in the Southern California region, aspiring to support women and children facing physical, mental, or financial obstacles or abuse. We strive to enrich the lives of the less fortunate, implementing programs to assist with educational aid and job opportunities. We need volunteers to support this mission and welcome all people with a desire to help.


Partner With Us and Get Involved

We are looking for passionate volunteers! Do you have experience with interviewing or technical skills, or fitness training? Are you a make-up artist or hair stylist? An attorney or medical practitioner? Do you have a special skill? We also need everyday citizens with your personal skills to uplift and empower those working to heal themselves. We need people wanting to share their strengths. We need people who enjoy sharing their time and experience with those in need. A just and humane society takes care of its most vulnerable members. Partners for Hope aims to bring our community together to achieve its best.



You can make a difference in the lives of individuals by making a donation.